Gulaška lake in Senec, Slovakia

Slovakia is a landlocked country so diving opportunities are limited. The majority of the diving which occurs is in mines and caves. But for those of us not qualified fortunately there are many lakes. Gulaska has the advantage that some attractions have been placed for diviers and as it is a popular spot fish are not scared of bubbles.

Diving Conditions:
GPS: 48.212908, 17.434624
Location: Jazero Hlboké, Senec, Slovakia
Depth: up to 15m
Currents: Tide independent
Type of bottom: Silty, sandy
Interests: Attractions, freshwater fish
Water Temperature: summer up to 27-28°C, freezes in winter
Visibility: seasonal, but generally good 5-10m
Gulaska is a popular lake with the locals for swimming, fishing and other watersports so it can be quite busy at times. The dive site is at the northern end, steep shore of the lake. Several meters from the entry site there is a training platform at 5m marked by a buoy. Below the platform on right hand side you can find fallen trees, where big carps (really big) hide between the branches. A part from carps you can also frequently find European perch, Northern pike, Common roach and even Wels catfish. Fish are generally used to divers and not that shy so offer good picture opportunities. Other than fish you can find here Danube crayfish, freshwater jellyfish and mussels. From the platform there is a rope that will guide you to the other attractions, like a car, canoe, bicycle and a bell that you can ring. This lake offers surprisingly lots of things to see to keep you entertained.
Dive Site

How to get there:
It is about half an hour drive from Bratislava. It is possible to drive up all the way to the entry point via a dirt road. You will see when you reached the entry point as there are two concrete benches. The dirt road is in really bad condition: there are many big pot holes so drive slowly and carefully. If it rained a lot, be careful, the road gets muddy quickly and you could get stuck. In general, driving on the side of the fields along the lake rather than on the dirt road is easier.
There are no facilities! But there are two concrete benches which make kitting up very comfortable.
We rented tanks from Globdive, they reply very quickly via facebook. They tend to also dive there or in other lakes in the area every weekend and he speaks a bit of English.