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The Team

Giulia Grimaldi
~ I am BSAC Advanced Instructor
~ I cannot stand the cold but somehow always end up diving in freezing waters…
~ My dream destinations are Antarctica or diving the glaciers in Greenland
~ During my surface intervals I am a lab-based biologist interested in how genes and proteins are regulated.
~ Originally from Italy but currently based between Italy, Norway and UK.

Barbora Vagaska
~ I am BSAC Dive Leader
~ Hated diving the first time I tried it in the pool but the possibility of diving with seals and beluga whales convinced me that it is quite exciting
~ Best diving experience: diving with seals in Lundy, UK.
~ I have a PhD in Stem Cells and currently I am a researcher in the field of neurobiology at the University of Oslo, Norway.
~ I am from Slovakia.
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